About Me

I am Mom in upstate New York.  My husband and I recently decided to homeschool our four children for all kinds of reasons that I'm sure I'll get around to blogging about.  We moved to New York from Arizona after our oldest finished Kindergarten. A big part of why we left Arizona is the terrible state of public education there.  It wasn't long before we realized that we had expectations for our children's education that couldn't be met by the public school system anywhere.  
Now, I am not so patiently waiting for this school year to be over so my kids can really start learning.

The kids walking the bobsled run at Lake Placid
Hanachan - 8 yrs
Aki - 6 yrs
E.T - 4 yrs
Googoo, The Goo or Captain Awesome; she goes by all three - 2 yrs